I think plastic straws are a v good option here, when you consider that:
paper straws are just a worse experience for ~everyone
metal/glass arguably worse for the environment given number of uses and resources required to produce (see also reusable bags)
Some disabled people rely on straws and paper replacements terrible for them
This is certainly closer to the playpumps [actively harmful once you think properly about it] than the ALS [not a huge issue but it’s not like stopping ALS would be actually bad in a vacuum].
Thanks—do you know of any analysis / data behind your three bullet points which I could point to? Instinctively I agree that the costs almost certainly outweigh the benefits, but I anticipate scepticism from readers!
I’m not endorsing any position here. All I personally took from this study was to ensure to re-use my canvas bags and that plastic pollution is likely more significantly mitigated by further economic growth in less-developed nations (with little evidence and, suspiciously conveniently, fitting in with my pre-existing world view).
I think plastic straws are a v good option here, when you consider that:
paper straws are just a worse experience for ~everyone
metal/glass arguably worse for the environment given number of uses and resources required to produce (see also reusable bags)
Some disabled people rely on straws and paper replacements terrible for them
This is certainly closer to the playpumps [actively harmful once you think properly about it] than the ALS [not a huge issue but it’s not like stopping ALS would be actually bad in a vacuum].
Thanks—do you know of any analysis / data behind your three bullet points which I could point to? Instinctively I agree that the costs almost certainly outweigh the benefits, but I anticipate scepticism from readers!
Obviously not directed at me, but the findings of this study did the rounds a few years ago in the media:
Life Cycle Assessment of grocery carrier bags
I’m not endorsing any position here. All I personally took from this study was to ensure to re-use my canvas bags and that plastic pollution is likely more significantly mitigated by further economic growth in less-developed nations (with little evidence and, suspiciously conveniently, fitting in with my pre-existing world view).