Jamie Harris from Animal Advocacy Careers will be giving a short presentation introducing the career opportunities available to improving animal welfare, especially for addressing factory farming. Afterwards, there will be plenty of time for Q&A, e.g., for some quick advice and support on a key uncertainty that you are facing.
In 2020, 9.76 billion land animals slaughtered in the US alone, and 99% of them raised in factory farms with conditions likely to cause serious suffering. Besides being a major source of animal suffering, factory farming also contributes to negative environmental impacts and increased risk of pandemics.
Addressing factory farming doesn’t have to mean protesting in the streets. Key talent bottlenecks in the movement to end factory farming lie in science and engineering roles, as well as in computer science, data analytics, social science, business, and advocacy, and more. (“Career Guide for Ending Factory Farming”)
Join this event to learn about career options to effectively help animals!
Animal Advocacy Careers talk by Jamie Harris
Jamie Harris from Animal Advocacy Careers will be giving a short presentation introducing the career opportunities available to improving animal welfare, especially for addressing factory farming. Afterwards, there will be plenty of time for Q&A, e.g., for some quick advice and support on a key uncertainty that you are facing.
In 2020, 9.76 billion land animals slaughtered in the US alone, and 99% of them raised in factory farms with conditions likely to cause serious suffering. Besides being a major source of animal suffering, factory farming also contributes to negative environmental impacts and increased risk of pandemics.
Addressing factory farming doesn’t have to mean protesting in the streets. Key talent bottlenecks in the movement to end factory farming lie in science and engineering roles, as well as in computer science, data analytics, social science, business, and advocacy, and more. (“Career Guide for Ending Factory Farming”)
Join this event to learn about career options to effectively help animals!
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87941718309?pwd=QzZRSkNrQWdsa0pqVWRDSmp4NTJJQT09