I’ve applied to Emergent Ventures and ACX funds for smaller scale versions of this idea (eg. my writing a replication blog), but didn’t get anything. FTX inspired me to think of the maximal scale version.
Yeah, I’ve tried to think of empirical EA-related papers that would be informative to replicate; so far it looks like air pollution might be a good topic. The problem is that many EA-relevant papers are theoretical and hence not amenable to my style of replication.
I’ve applied to Emergent Ventures and ACX funds for smaller scale versions of this idea (eg. my writing a replication blog), but didn’t get anything. FTX inspired me to think of the maximal scale version.
Ah frustrating! I’m surprised Tyler didn’t say yes, given your previous blog posts.
Random thought—maybe it’s worth applying to EAF/LTFF for replicating EA specific papers?
Yeah, I’ve tried to think of empirical EA-related papers that would be informative to replicate; so far it looks like air pollution might be a good topic. The problem is that many EA-relevant papers are theoretical and hence not amenable to my style of replication.