We may try to create something similar to what GiveWell uses for its cost-effectiveness analysis: a spreadsheet where different people can fill in their values for key parameters (such as relative credence in different worldviews, and which ones they think should benefit from various fairness agreements), with explanations and links to writeups with more detail and argumentation for each parameter, and basic analytics on the distribution of inputs (for example, what the median allocation is to each worldview, across all staff members).
This would be very helpful. I’m having trouble even finding a sheet that prioritizes causes using a static worldview, i.e. one that lists causes with scores for Importance, Neglectedness and Tractability/Solvability and has notes to explain.
This would be very helpful. I’m having trouble even finding a sheet that prioritizes causes using a static worldview, i.e. one that lists causes with scores for Importance, Neglectedness and Tractability/Solvability and has notes to explain.