This is a tough one, overall it looks good! My general point of feedback would be to be more cause-agnostic OR put higher emphasis on “priorities research”. For example I could suggest making 1/5th content about priorities research, promoting it as a category of its own, as seen below. The reason for this is because I would argue that cause areas & meta have their own communities/conferences already, priorities research on the other hand may not so much. And priorities research represents EA’s mission of “where to allocate resources to do the most good” most holistically. Then again I haven’t done the thinking you have behind these weights! It may be worth making a survey with 1-100 scales?
Hi James thanks for opening this up for feedback,
This is a tough one, overall it looks good!
My general point of feedback would be to be more cause-agnostic OR put higher emphasis on “priorities research”. For example I could suggest making 1/5th content about priorities research, promoting it as a category of its own, as seen below.
The reason for this is because I would argue that cause areas & meta have their own communities/conferences already, priorities research on the other hand may not so much. And priorities research represents EA’s mission of “where to allocate resources to do the most good” most holistically. Then again I haven’t done the thinking you have behind these weights!
It may be worth making a survey with 1-100 scales?
Neartermist 30% (-5)
Global Health & Dev 35%
Animal welfare 60%
Mental health 5%
Longtermist 40% (-5)
AI risk 50%
Biosec 30%
Nuclear 10%
General longtermist 5%
Climate change 5%
Priorities research 20%
Meta 10% (-10)
Priorities research 5%Entrepreneurship skills 85%
Community building 5%
Effective giving 5%