I reasonably often do things like make models in Python, but the actual coding is a pretty small part of my work—something like 5%-10% of my time. I’ve never done a coding project for work that was more complicated than the notebook accompanying my timelines report, and most models I make are considerably simpler (usually implemented in spreadsheets rather than in code).
I’m not familiar with the public interest tech movement unfortunately, so I’m not sure what I think about that research project idea.
Thanks, I’m glad you liked it so much!
I reasonably often do things like make models in Python, but the actual coding is a pretty small part of my work—something like 5%-10% of my time. I’ve never done a coding project for work that was more complicated than the notebook accompanying my timelines report, and most models I make are considerably simpler (usually implemented in spreadsheets rather than in code).
I’m not familiar with the public interest tech movement unfortunately, so I’m not sure what I think about that research project idea.