I had a kind of mixed reaction to your post, which I felt quite sad about because I’ve been considering writing up my own post with my own substantial concerns about Conjecture. I would be happy to provide feedback on any future posts of yours and would love to help you with your mission.
I think good critique posts are really essential for a healthy AI Alignment field, and I really deeply appreciate the effort you put into your posts. I also know how hard it can be to deal with the pushback to critiques like this, and am really sorry things feel stressful to you.
I personally disagree quite strongly with the your critiques of both Redwood and Conjecture, and also at a meta-level feel like a bunch of things are off about those critiques, but I also think that especially post-FTX, I really want to see more people to poke at organizations in the space, and also discussing things like character-evidence for prominent figures in EA/Rationality/AI Alignment, which was I think the most important section of your Conjecture post.
I had a kind of mixed reaction to your post, which I felt quite sad about because I’ve been considering writing up my own post with my own substantial concerns about Conjecture. I would be happy to provide feedback on any future posts of yours and would love to help you with your mission.
I think good critique posts are really essential for a healthy AI Alignment field, and I really deeply appreciate the effort you put into your posts. I also know how hard it can be to deal with the pushback to critiques like this, and am really sorry things feel stressful to you.
I personally disagree quite strongly with the your critiques of both Redwood and Conjecture, and also at a meta-level feel like a bunch of things are off about those critiques, but I also think that especially post-FTX, I really want to see more people to poke at organizations in the space, and also discussing things like character-evidence for prominent figures in EA/Rationality/AI Alignment, which was I think the most important section of your Conjecture post.
Thanks for your offer to help Oli, we really appreciate it. We’ll reach out via DM.