Remove Utilitarianism as a pillar, platform, assumption, or commonly held ethical belief.
Rob Bensinger replied:
If the author reads this, I’d be curious to see a follow-up that says more about what they mean by “utilitarianism”. Lots of EAs don’t strictly identify with utilitarianism (and utilitarianism isn’t generally treated as a pillar of EA), but think it’s useful to think in vaguely “utilitarianism-ish” terms: focusing on the consequences of one’s actions in deciding what to do; among the consequences, heavily weighing the impact one will have on people’s well-being; mostly trying to help people in general, rather than strongly privileging one group of people over another; trying to make ethical decisions in a consistent and principled way; etc. Following those constraints in one’s altruistic activities will cause one to mostly “look utilitarian” from the outside even if your real decision criterion is something else.
Anonymous #7:
Rob Bensinger replied: