I suspect some of the hostility may in some sense be a reasonable response to how we behave but I doubt all of it is.
You say “we”, but from my personal acquaintance with you I would definitely not put you in one group with the attackers this post is about, and I’ll emphasise that you don’t deserve any hostility.
I have not been to the Bay Area as an adult, so I can only guess about what’s going on there. But trying to extrapolate my experiences in, say, Sci-Fi conventions, I think the (relevant aspect of the) problem is people who use autism—many times without an actual diagnosis—as an excuse to dismiss their actions’ effects on others.
This is correct, thank you for bringing it up. One woman reported that even a person in CEA leadership made excuses for sexual transgressors on the basis of their neurodivergence.
I am not referring to the attackers mentioned in the post when I say “we” there, but to people with autism as a whole, when speculating about why we might receive a higher rate of bullying and hostility across society as a whole.
You say “we”, but from my personal acquaintance with you I would definitely not put you in one group with the attackers this post is about, and I’ll emphasise that you don’t deserve any hostility.
I have not been to the Bay Area as an adult, so I can only guess about what’s going on there. But trying to extrapolate my experiences in, say, Sci-Fi conventions, I think the (relevant aspect of the) problem is people who use autism—many times without an actual diagnosis—as an excuse to dismiss their actions’ effects on others.
This is correct, thank you for bringing it up. One woman reported that even a person in CEA leadership made excuses for sexual transgressors on the basis of their neurodivergence.
I am not referring to the attackers mentioned in the post when I say “we” there, but to people with autism as a whole, when speculating about why we might receive a higher rate of bullying and hostility across society as a whole.