[Question] What if planet and society attained the same personhood that businesses enjoy?

At its core, the inequality problem is a capitalist ownership problem. Market failure is an ownership failure. Capitalism treats planet and society as externalities because they aren’t persons under the law, yet businesses – ‘also not persons’ are accorded corporate personhood. That the system scams consumers to give businesses wealth incentives to innovate and deny planet wealth incentives to sustain us and society to cooperate is the mother of all injustices.

Capitalism is on life support. Because commerce started spontaneously, capitalism wasn’t built with these three things in mind,

1. an incentive/​reward cycle. the systems that interact with it (planet and society) give, give and give it but receive almost nothing and they are now strained and can’t support the architecture of capitalism for long.

2. a support system for its fledglings – i.e. the system deems the poor and small businesses as unprofitable. Because they take less from the system, they’re less productive thus feed less into the system – making the whole system less productive.

3. a waste management mechanism. Any ‘processing’ yields waste, even programming languages have ‘garbage collection’ mechanisms. Capitalism’s waste – CO2, plastics, and other wastes, weaken the incentive/​reward cycle and weaken the productivity of planet and society.

Capitalism as the unrivaled soul of human progress can’t exist without ‘planet’ and the global society, yet capitalism treats planet/​society as externalities. This is because ‘planet’ and ‘society’ aren’t deemed as persons under the law yet ‘businesses’ who also aren’t real persons gradually attained personhood after the US 14th Amendment declared that “no person’s life, liberty, property can be infringed without due process of law.”

So, what if planet and society attained the same personhood that businesses enjoy?