Thanks for putting this together! I sympathize a lot with the difficulty of getting people’s time/attention in the workplace and the desire to make material crisp and relevant. I’m always worried, though, that a little disclaimer of “this isn’t the whole story” won’t be enough to prevent people from assuming they’ve understood EA and then potentially going around and spreading false ideas. (Canonical reference is probably The Fidelity Model Of Spreading Ideas.)
One idea that has come up (I think at the LinkedIn group and in some presentation that we’ve done at Google) is to instead do some branding in the direction of “Effective Giving” explicitly. This already narrows down the scope and somewhat protects the EA “brand”.
Thanks for putting this together! I sympathize a lot with the difficulty of getting people’s time/attention in the workplace and the desire to make material crisp and relevant. I’m always worried, though, that a little disclaimer of “this isn’t the whole story” won’t be enough to prevent people from assuming they’ve understood EA and then potentially going around and spreading false ideas. (Canonical reference is probably The Fidelity Model Of Spreading Ideas.)
One idea that has come up (I think at the LinkedIn group and in some presentation that we’ve done at Google) is to instead do some branding in the direction of “Effective Giving” explicitly. This already narrows down the scope and somewhat protects the EA “brand”.