Giving Game: Decide which charity gets donations on your behalf!

💰❤️ Ever wanted to donate to a charity, but you weren’t sure where your money would do the most good? Or perhaps you have donated once or twice, but you felt discouraged by never seeing the impact of your donation?

🔎 We’ll be donating real money to charities, and we need your help to decide which ones are the most effective, based on the effective altruism framework for effective giving. Sebastian de Groot, ambassador of Giving What We Can, will guide the event, and explain core concepts such as cost-effectiveness, opportunity cost, and the overhead myth. A link will be made to how this framework applies to decision-making around high-impact careers as well. At the end of the night, you’ll get to give away €20 to one of the charities covered, so choose wisely!

👉 Join us on Wednesday, 22 March from 19.30 to 21:00 in Auditorium 12 on the TU/​e Campus and learn how to compare charities against each other and figure out how you can maximize your impact.


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