Note: Liability insurance works differently in different countries. For example in the US if I work as a doctor for three years and pay premiums for liability insurance during those three years, then any liability for any actions during that time are covered forever. If someone sues me for something that happened during that time period after I’ve retired I’m covered because I paid premiums during the time of the incident. In other countries you are only covered if you have paid for insurance during the time period that you are sued. (They have additional policies to cover you after you leave a job or profession.)
This is not quite correct on the specifics. In the US, insurers write both claims-made and occurence policies. Your description of US med mal policies is an occurence policy, but I believe most med mal / professional liability coverage is claims made. In contrast, US car insurance is at least generally occurence. One needs to consult the specific insurance contract in question.
Note: Liability insurance works differently in different countries. For example in the US if I work as a doctor for three years and pay premiums for liability insurance during those three years, then any liability for any actions during that time are covered forever. If someone sues me for something that happened during that time period after I’ve retired I’m covered because I paid premiums during the time of the incident.
In other countries you are only covered if you have paid for insurance during the time period that you are sued. (They have additional policies to cover you after you leave a job or profession.)
This is not quite correct on the specifics. In the US, insurers write both claims-made and occurence policies. Your description of US med mal policies is an occurence policy, but I believe most med mal / professional liability coverage is claims made. In contrast, US car insurance is at least generally occurence. One needs to consult the specific insurance contract in question.
See generally, a large US insurer who writes both kinds