IFBA has a global mentorship program. Although these certifications aren’t focused on GCBR mitigation, they can end up giving you a role in pandemic response. Here’s one example where someone was the one (1) person in her country who was able to certify biosafety cabinets, which were important for COVID testing.
A few biosecurity-oriented answers and opportunities:
The Next Generation Global Health Security Network has a mentorship program with plenty of mentors and support from outside the developed world.
The BWC has run a Biosecurity Diplomacy Workshop for Young Scientists from the Global South for the past two years.
The G7 Global Partnership is also currently working in partnership with Africa CDC on a signature initiative to enhance biosecurity in Africa.
IFBA has a global mentorship program. Although these certifications aren’t focused on GCBR mitigation, they can end up giving you a role in pandemic response. Here’s one example where someone was the one (1) person in her country who was able to certify biosafety cabinets, which were important for COVID testing.