This was a very enjoyable post! You frequently analysed yourself from a 3rd person viewpoint, and very skeptical of your claims—which is very healthy :)
Related to poverty eradication / systematic change
1. How exactly do you think we should measure the poverty line? Relative poverty? Absolute poverty? Enough money to buy x bottles of water a day? Enough money to produce x units of happiness?
2. Neo-colonialism has expanded beyond Europe and the US. Apparently, China is also doing this. China gives loans to poorer countries for development of ports, and when those countries default on their debt, China siezes control of the ports. And, what are your opinions on neo-colonialism between different parts of the same country?
3. Would de-growth result in better income equality and also lower total economic growth? If so, could you elaborate on what this tradeoff looks like (preferably in a quantitative sense)?
4. Is the amount of colonialism/neo-colonialism increasing/decreasing/same over the past ~100 years?
5. You mentioned using GPI instead of GDP as a national performance index? What do you think are the chances of GPI gaining widespread acceptance?
Related to personal career plans
1. You expressed a LOT of interest in Economics, and some interest in Law. What are your thoughts on a Master’s in Public Policy?
2. Are entrepreneurial skills a rare asset within EA? How does supply-demand of entrepreneurial skills in EA look like?
3. You mentioned that even big tech companies aren’t able to achieve large amounts of change. I would a little skeptical of this. One counter-example is that American English is slowly replacing British English, even in countries that used to historically speak British English. I think one of the biggest reasons for this is popular softwares like MS Word, Google docs and Google search having American English as their default language. However, I have a feeling that large changes like this generally happen when a company is REALLY succesful/popular (I’m not sure though).
This was a very enjoyable post! You frequently analysed yourself from a 3rd person viewpoint, and very skeptical of your claims—which is very healthy :)
Related to poverty eradication / systematic change
1. How exactly do you think we should measure the poverty line? Relative poverty? Absolute poverty? Enough money to buy x bottles of water a day? Enough money to produce x units of happiness?
2. Neo-colonialism has expanded beyond Europe and the US. Apparently, China is also doing this. China gives loans to poorer countries for development of ports, and when those countries default on their debt, China siezes control of the ports. And, what are your opinions on neo-colonialism between different parts of the same country?
3. Would de-growth result in better income equality and also lower total economic growth? If so, could you elaborate on what this tradeoff looks like (preferably in a quantitative sense)?
4. Is the amount of colonialism/neo-colonialism increasing/decreasing/same over the past ~100 years?
5. You mentioned using GPI instead of GDP as a national performance index? What do you think are the chances of GPI gaining widespread acceptance?
Related to personal career plans
1. You expressed a LOT of interest in Economics, and some interest in Law. What are your thoughts on a Master’s in Public Policy?
2. Are entrepreneurial skills a rare asset within EA? How does supply-demand of entrepreneurial skills in EA look like?
3. You mentioned that even big tech companies aren’t able to achieve large amounts of change. I would a little skeptical of this. One counter-example is that American English is slowly replacing British English, even in countries that used to historically speak British English. I think one of the biggest reasons for this is popular softwares like MS Word, Google docs and Google search having American English as their default language. However, I have a feeling that large changes like this generally happen when a company is REALLY succesful/popular (I’m not sure though).
So much here! Once I’ve read and thought more, I’ll try to give these all a shot. Right now, I don’t have answers to most of them.