A. Malaria Consortium: ~45,770 cases of malaria prevented, with an estimate of 64 deaths averted. Hellen Keller International: ~320,387 vitamin A supplements delivered, with an estimate of 64 lives saved. New Incentives: ~2,067 infants vaccinated, with an estimate of 64 lives saved.
B. With just $1,000 I would donate to the Helen Keller International Vitamin A Supplementation program. This program (while labeled “very strong” rather than “exceptionally strong”—I’ll need to investigate why) appears to offer the most impact per dollar spent (most lives saved per contribution). Furthermore, the estimate is that with just $1, an important vitamin A supplement may be provided for an infant. Though this does not necessarily correlate to saving that infant’s life, the extremely small dollar amount could have other important implications regarding an increase to quality of life for that individual.
C. Other important life decisions that I would consider generating quantitative estimates and comparing outcomes for: (1) where I would prefer to live/work (between my 2 nationalities), taking into account salaries and social programs, (2) whether or not it makes financial sense to go back to school/earn a graduate degree, taking into account debt incurrence and potential for increased salary/positions with better benefits.
Malaria Consortium: ~45,770 cases of malaria prevented, with an estimate of 64 deaths averted.
Hellen Keller International: ~320,387 vitamin A supplements delivered, with an estimate of 64 lives saved.
New Incentives: ~2,067 infants vaccinated, with an estimate of 64 lives saved.
With just $1,000 I would donate to the Helen Keller International Vitamin A Supplementation program. This program (while labeled “very strong” rather than “exceptionally strong”—I’ll need to investigate why) appears to offer the most impact per dollar spent (most lives saved per contribution). Furthermore, the estimate is that with just $1, an important vitamin A supplement may be provided for an infant. Though this does not necessarily correlate to saving that infant’s life, the extremely small dollar amount could have other important implications regarding an increase to quality of life for that individual.
C. Other important life decisions that I would consider generating quantitative estimates and comparing outcomes for: (1) where I would prefer to live/work (between my 2 nationalities), taking into account salaries and social programs, (2) whether or not it makes financial sense to go back to school/earn a graduate degree, taking into account debt incurrence and potential for increased salary/positions with better benefits.