I like your thesis, Pedro, because when I look at its chapter on “Why the Future Matters” and “Optimal Control Theory”, I think that useful links could be established between it and the long-term project of the Algosphere Alliance about organizing the alleviation of suffering in the world. As I wrote recently: in my view, the causes of severe suffering are so many and so diverse that the current pandemic is still only a small part of the issue when it comes to organizing global efforts to alleviate suffering. It is necessary to deal with small parts, but it is very ineffective. Working on root causes may seem remote, abstract, idealistic, but isn’t it, in fact, the opposite? Every specialized effort is a step in the right direction. The most fundamental cause, however, and the most effectively altruistic, is to care about suffering itself, and its universal alleviation. The Algosphere Alliance invites everyone to do just that.
I like your thesis, Pedro, because when I look at its chapter on “Why the Future Matters” and “Optimal Control Theory”, I think that useful links could be established between it and the long-term project of the Algosphere Alliance about organizing the alleviation of suffering in the world. As I wrote recently: in my view, the causes of severe suffering are so many and so diverse that the current pandemic is still only a small part of the issue when it comes to organizing global efforts to alleviate suffering. It is necessary to deal with small parts, but it is very ineffective. Working on root causes may seem remote, abstract, idealistic, but isn’t it, in fact, the opposite? Every specialized effort is a step in the right direction. The most fundamental cause, however, and the most effectively altruistic, is to care about suffering itself, and its universal alleviation. The Algosphere Alliance invites everyone to do just that.