I think, it might be best to just report confidence intervals for your final estimates (guesstimate should give you those). Then everyone can combine your estimates with their own priors on general intervention’s effectiveness and thereby potentially correct for the high levels of uncertainty (at least in a crude way by estimating the variance from the confidence intervals).
The variance of X can be defined as E[X^2]-E[X]^2, which should not be hard to implement in Guesstimate. However, i am not sure, whether or not having the variance yields to more accurate updating, than having a confidence interval. Optimally you’d have the full distribution, but i am not sure, whether anyone will actually do the maths to update from there. (But they could get it roughly from your guesstimate model).
I might comment more on some details and the moral assumptions, if i find the time for it soon.
Thank you, I applied your suggestion by modifying the text. I just noticed that Guesstimate gives you the standard deviation. I guess I had to familiarise with the tool.
I think, it might be best to just report confidence intervals for your final estimates (guesstimate should give you those). Then everyone can combine your estimates with their own priors on general intervention’s effectiveness and thereby potentially correct for the high levels of uncertainty (at least in a crude way by estimating the variance from the confidence intervals).
The variance of X can be defined as E[X^2]-E[X]^2, which should not be hard to implement in Guesstimate. However, i am not sure, whether or not having the variance yields to more accurate updating, than having a confidence interval. Optimally you’d have the full distribution, but i am not sure, whether anyone will actually do the maths to update from there. (But they could get it roughly from your guesstimate model).
I might comment more on some details and the moral assumptions, if i find the time for it soon.
Thank you, I applied your suggestion by modifying the text. I just noticed that Guesstimate gives you the standard deviation. I guess I had to familiarise with the tool.