[Question] Is there a space to discuss and develop project ideas and find collaboration partners?

I am quite a creative and practically orientated mind and therefore frequently developing ideas what seems to be missing. But just from writing down ideas nothing happens. Therefore I am searching for a place to discuss which ideas are worth further development and who could help to work on them, since my ideas are too big just to handle them alone. (I have a degree in communication and media and work as artist, therefore I am quite outside university structures, but feel that connection could really help) Any advices here?
Topics/​ideas I wrap my mind around:
1) “internet 2.0 - a platform to gather the world’s knowledge and art, including a strong rating for quality and complexity of content, empowering people to educate themselves from basics to university level on any unharmful field of knowledge, including a payment system for creators that isn’t in favour of advertising interests and quantity, but in service of education and information of users” (currently, who has money can buy visibility, which brings huge delays for critical regulations and enables public opinion shaping and desinformation, which I consider as highly problematic)
2) “building a strategic workflow to gather fundings in order to prevent our Earth from overshooting the tipping points” (e.g. scientific plenum that identifies the most effective projects needed and then gathering fundings project by project, be it to replace the most inefficient coal power plant of the world or making a proposal on a law)
3) Connecting music distribution services with effective charities in order to enable musicians to automatically split streaming income with those (song specific) --> huge potential for reach, as the artists influence their fans as well and if famous artists get influenced in their donating decisions it is also huge direct donation potential (currently trying to get things moving here with contacting artists of impact)
4) Creating a TV series in supernanny-style in countries with quite health- and climate destructive eating cultures in order to educate people how to change their diet with few effort and in a way they can afford to a more healthy and climate friendly diet

I developed all of these ideas in a more detailled way, but wanted to keep it short here.

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