I guess the probability I would have ended up doing something like [founding and running AMF] before I did is zero, given I didn’t! 😊 Would I have ended up doing something like I am now had the ‘chance event’ (me being useless with a remote control and not succeeding in turning off the tv news one evening and instead switching to a channel showing a programme about a burns victim that led me to organise a swim for the little girl that then led to World Swim Against Malaria…), yes I think I would have. That is based on me feeling (through my 20s and 30s and beyond) that I have been fortunate in many ways in my life (education opportunities, work experiences, family, friends, health etc) and that I wished helping others in some way to be an important part of my life.
I guess the probability I would have ended up doing something like [founding and running AMF] before I did is zero, given I didn’t! 😊 Would I have ended up doing something like I am now had the ‘chance event’ (me being useless with a remote control and not succeeding in turning off the tv news one evening and instead switching to a channel showing a programme about a burns victim that led me to organise a swim for the little girl that then led to World Swim Against Malaria…), yes I think I would have. That is based on me feeling (through my 20s and 30s and beyond) that I have been fortunate in many ways in my life (education opportunities, work experiences, family, friends, health etc) and that I wished helping others in some way to be an important part of my life.