″Malengo sent two pilot cohorts of students from Uganda to Germany (6 in Fall 2021, 17 in Fall 2022). All of these students are currently in Germany and making progress towards their degrees.
Students come from low-income families, living on USD 1.40 per person per day (USD 42 per person per month) before program entry
After 11 months in Germany, students earn on average USD 095/month in their part-time jobs (after tax), representing a 2200% increase (1000% after taking prices into account).
While studying, students send an average of USD 120 per month to their families in Uganda, representing a 110% increase in the remaining family members’ income.
All current Malengo students expect to graduate within 4 years; the current average (and median) grade is 2.5 (1=best, 4 = pass, 5=fail)
″Malengo sent two pilot cohorts of students from Uganda to Germany (6 in Fall 2021, 17 in Fall 2022). All of these students are currently in Germany and making progress towards their degrees.
Students come from low-income families, living on USD 1.40 per person per day (USD 42 per person per month) before program entry
After 11 months in Germany, students earn on average USD 095/month in their part-time jobs (after tax), representing a 2200% increase (1000% after taking prices into account).
While studying, students send an average of USD 120 per month to their families in Uganda, representing a 110% increase in the remaining family members’ income.
All current Malengo students expect to graduate within 4 years; the current average (and median) grade is 2.5 (1=best, 4 = pass, 5=fail)