>They’re not “objections”, because you’ve misunderstood your target
Then please, explain what I’ve misunderstood.
Thanks for the link, but most of the links included therein were either broken or argued for exactly my point. For example, the link to the SSC essay concluded with “unless you think the world is more than 70% certain to end before you die, saving like Robin suggests is the best option” …. meaning that it’s smarter to invest than to donate. Do you have a better source or argument to present?
Also I’d appreciate it if you could respond to my previous question about the dependence of the EA position on the notion of intrinsic value.
>They’re not “objections”, because you’ve misunderstood your target
Then please, explain what I’ve misunderstood.
Thanks for the link, but most of the links included therein were either broken or argued for exactly my point. For example, the link to the SSC essay concluded with “unless you think the world is more than 70% certain to end before you die, saving like Robin suggests is the best option” …. meaning that it’s smarter to invest than to donate. Do you have a better source or argument to present?
Also I’d appreciate it if you could respond to my previous question about the dependence of the EA position on the notion of intrinsic value.