[Question] What are the best EA materials for busy people?

I co-organise the EA group at a strategy consulting firm. We routinely work 55-70 hour weeks, so it’s rare for someone to have the spare time and mental space to consistently read long articles. Sadly, as long articles are the norm within EA, this means it’s harder for people to engage with EA ideas—even though several former consultants (and other people working busy jobs) are now working on things that seem high-impact.

Sometimes, you need length for depth or breadth. But I think often information can be summarised in a way that is still useful and makes it much more accessible. And sometimes, I’ve noticed that writings will be unnecessarily long, e.g. incorporating material that could be footnotes into the main flow.

I would love there to be a web page collating EA materials for busy people: materials that are short, captivating, clear, ideally actionable in some way, and likely to make someone think.

So let’s get started! Here’s what I know about so far:

I would be very grateful for more suggestions to add to this list!