I think that western society in general privileges narratives about individual achievement, as well as it being a prominent feature of celebrity culture etc. I suspect that this is such a difference to the norm that we do better to embrace as a difference, if that makes sense. for myself, I’m heartened by an idea that says ‘nope, it’s not about the giver, it’s about the beneficiaries.’
Then again sometimes I crunch the numbers (like the fact I’ve personally funded the deworming of over 100,000 children. Then I feel like a goddamm superhero :)
Yes. Absolutely. And you are obviously a goddamm superhero :)
The implicit question was whether we could be more effective with a public profile, usually these are built around one narrative and changed maybe once or twice. I think Toby, WIll, Peter have this and as a result seem to have better opportunities to serve / focus on the beneficiaries?
I’m thinking that this is particularly important for people trying to solve big tractable problems with multiple interested parties hardly interested in EA?
I think that western society in general privileges narratives about individual achievement, as well as it being a prominent feature of celebrity culture etc. I suspect that this is such a difference to the norm that we do better to embrace as a difference, if that makes sense. for myself, I’m heartened by an idea that says ‘nope, it’s not about the giver, it’s about the beneficiaries.’
Then again sometimes I crunch the numbers (like the fact I’ve personally funded the deworming of over 100,000 children. Then I feel like a goddamm superhero :)
Yes. Absolutely. And you are obviously a goddamm superhero :)
The implicit question was whether we could be more effective with a public profile, usually these are built around one narrative and changed maybe once or twice. I think Toby, WIll, Peter have this and as a result seem to have better opportunities to serve / focus on the beneficiaries?
I’m thinking that this is particularly important for people trying to solve big tractable problems with multiple interested parties hardly interested in EA?