My views are that (a)the current approach to EA community building strategy is not in tandem with exogenous realities. 99 percent of the prospective community members who would have a significant impact in their lives are in low and middle income countries. (b) Attending EA Global conferences from low and middle income countries might not be the best use of money. (c)There is a need to encourage local cause prioritization in low income countries in order to have effective impacts. (d) Funding restrictions are also a great obstacle to EA community growth in Africa. (e)Moreover decolonizing the minds of African EAs is an important step in encouraging divergent ideological and philosophical perspectives. Scholarship and wisdom exist everywhere
I suspect it would be better to separate these points into different posts, or put them under different headings. This is quite a large scope to cover, and it left me not necessarily able to identify key points, cruxes and supporting evidence.
I suspect it would be better to separate these points into different posts, or put them under different headings. This is quite a large scope to cover, and it left me not necessarily able to identify key points, cruxes and supporting evidence.
Thank you @ElliotJDavies for the suggestion. I agree with you and I hope to figure it out.