Global annual deaths of combatants from 1996 to 2003 were 59.8 k according to Correlates of War, whereas the death tolls you mention would imply annual deaths of 431 k (= (1.5 + 5.4)/2*10^6/(2003 − 1996 + 1)) for the CongoWars alone. So it looks like the vast majority of deaths of the Congo Wars are being attributed to civilians.
I agree the above will not matter for the conclusions of my analysis. Based on the 2 estimates above, global deaths of combatants were 13.9 % (= 59.8/431) of all deaths in the Congo Wars, which much less than my central estimate of 50 %. However, I also used a pessimistic fraction of 10 % for the deaths of combatants as a fraction of total deaths (for all years, not just those of the Congo Wars), and still got astronomically low extinction risk.
Thanks for the note, Ramiro!
Global annual deaths of combatants from 1996 to 2003 were 59.8 k according to Correlates of War, whereas the death tolls you mention would imply annual deaths of 431 k (= (1.5 + 5.4)/2*10^6/(2003 − 1996 + 1)) for the Congo Wars alone. So it looks like the vast majority of deaths of the Congo Wars are being attributed to civilians.
I agree the above will not matter for the conclusions of my analysis. Based on the 2 estimates above, global deaths of combatants were 13.9 % (= 59.8/431) of all deaths in the Congo Wars, which much less than my central estimate of 50 %. However, I also used a pessimistic fraction of 10 % for the deaths of combatants as a fraction of total deaths (for all years, not just those of the Congo Wars), and still got astronomically low extinction risk.