One issue for me is just that EA has radically different standards for what constitutes “impact.” If near-term: lots of rigorous RCTs showing positive effect sizes.
If long-term: literally zero evidence that any long-termist efforts have been positive rather than negative in value, which is a hard enough question to settle even for current-day interventions where we see the results immediately . . . BUT if you take the enormous liberty of assuming a positive impact (even just slightly above zero), and then assume lots of people in the future, everything has a huge positive impact.
One issue for me is just that EA has radically different standards for what constitutes “impact.” If near-term: lots of rigorous RCTs showing positive effect sizes.
If long-term: literally zero evidence that any long-termist efforts have been positive rather than negative in value, which is a hard enough question to settle even for current-day interventions where we see the results immediately . . . BUT if you take the enormous liberty of assuming a positive impact (even just slightly above zero), and then assume lots of people in the future, everything has a huge positive impact.