Would really appreciate links to Twitter threads or any other publicly available versions of these conversations. Appreciate you reporting what you’ve seen but I haven’t heard any of these conversations myself.
I sent a DM to the author asking if they could share examples. If you know of any, please DM me!
Yes to links of what conversations on gaming the system are happening where!
Surely this is something that should be shared directly with all funders as well? Are there any (in)formal systems in place for this?
Current theme: default
Less Wrong (text)
Less Wrong (link)
Would really appreciate links to Twitter threads or any other publicly available versions of these conversations. Appreciate you reporting what you’ve seen but I haven’t heard any of these conversations myself.
I sent a DM to the author asking if they could share examples. If you know of any, please DM me!
Yes to links of what conversations on gaming the system are happening where!
Surely this is something that should be shared directly with all funders as well? Are there any (in)formal systems in place for this?