Yay! I’m glad they were helpful for your group! Suggest away! I think I’ve given everyone with the link commenting permission so you can comment directly on the doc or contact me directly (details on my profile page).
Thanks Neil, I’ve left some suggested changes (mostly just additional questions I found worked well) in your doc :)
Thanks a lot! I’ve approved them and added you as a co-author :)
Wonderful! Many thanks :)
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Less Wrong (text)
Less Wrong (link)
Yay! I’m glad they were helpful for your group! Suggest away! I think I’ve given everyone with the link commenting permission so you can comment directly on the doc or contact me directly (details on my profile page).
Thanks Neil, I’ve left some suggested changes (mostly just additional questions I found worked well) in your doc :)
Thanks a lot! I’ve approved them and added you as a co-author :)
Wonderful! Many thanks :)