High-Impact Opportunities in the US Government ft. Assemblymember Alex Bores (Manhattan)

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Hear from Assemblymember Alex Bores about his experience working in the US Government and join for a discussion about high-impact legislation opportunities.

Alex will cover topics like working in the legislature, supporting important bills, tackling EA-aligned issues, and keeping an eye out for effective opportunities in the legislative process. There will also be time to provide feedback on and suggestions for potentially high-impact bills.

Please register here to attend (required) - https://​​bit.ly/​​4cmBfre

Alex Bores serves as the Assemblymember for the 73rd District of New York, an area including the Upper East Side, Midtown East, Turtle Bay, Murray Hill, and Sutton Place.

Alex is the first elected Democrat in Albany with a degree in computer science or a career in government technology. He is working on bills in a number of EA-aligned areas including animal welfare, pandemic prevention, and AI risk.


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For those new to effective altruism, here are a couple of good introductions. In short, EA is about using evidence to carefully analyze how, given limited resources, we can help others the *most*. https://​​www.youtube.com/​​watch?v=48VAQtGmfWY

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