Meetup : The most good you can do in 5 minutes

Discussion article for the meetup : The most good you can do in 5 minutes

WHEN: 05 February 2015 07:00:00PM (-0500)

WHERE: #ph11, 77 Davisville Ave, Toronto, ON

Bring your laptop! There’s a web app under development which farms out quick, high-value tasks. We’re going to have a play with it and see how much good we can accomplish in a short length of time! Plus discuss what tasks can be added and how to improve the app.

May also of interest to people not involved in EA—there are some “personal development” tasks mixed in there which should be of interest to any life hackers.

As you may have guessed, I’m playtesting it right now and one of the tasks was to schedule an effective altruism meetup!

Near Davisville station. Buzzer 3781 (Alex Ausch)

Discussion article for the meetup : The most good you can do in 5 minutes

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