I don’t know the answer to these specific questions, as I’ve not done it. A 501(c)(3) organization is tax advantaged on its “profits”, but only in certain ways and not others, and in my engagement in helping run such orgs it’s never come up (or if it has someone else handled it before I learned about it). It’s probably best to recruit the advice of a CPA or other expert in this area. My main goal was just to warn you that operating as anything other than an LLC (whether passthrough or not) is more complicated, so it’s seriously worth evaluating the options and seeing if you can’t get most of what you want by operating your LLC for public benefit so long as all the partners (so probably just you!) are on board with it.
I don’t know the answer to these specific questions, as I’ve not done it. A 501(c)(3) organization is tax advantaged on its “profits”, but only in certain ways and not others, and in my engagement in helping run such orgs it’s never come up (or if it has someone else handled it before I learned about it). It’s probably best to recruit the advice of a CPA or other expert in this area. My main goal was just to warn you that operating as anything other than an LLC (whether passthrough or not) is more complicated, so it’s seriously worth evaluating the options and seeing if you can’t get most of what you want by operating your LLC for public benefit so long as all the partners (so probably just you!) are on board with it.