Coincidentally, I thought about that just a couple of days ago. An advantage is that the links could be of the form whereas at present they have the form, i.e. and extra tag/ that would cease to be necessary under your proposal. Perhaps this also helps with SEO? I’ll ask the tech team.
I think the ideal situation is to always have the best link available, and only that link. Currently, the original links are all active, so we list those. If and when they break, we will replace them with corresponding links to the PDFs. For example, the URL
would become something like
. Does this approach address your concerns?Coincidentally, I thought about that just a couple of days ago. An advantage is that the links could be of the form
whereas at present they have the
, i.e. and extratag/
that would cease to be necessary under your proposal. Perhaps this also helps with SEO? I’ll ask the tech team.Ah, sounds great!
Yeah, this would be more elegant!