Great post. Definitely an area I’d love to see further explored!
However, there don’t seem to be good opportunities for further career advancement in Parliament after reaching an advisor position.
A common next step is running for election yourself, since you have the connections and know the landscape well enough to excel in debates.
As for running for office: the expected value here depends on regional (member state) and personal factors, so I can’t really say anything about it except that it seems we should keep it in mind as an option.
I think this is too quick a dismissal. Before any regional modifiers come into play, a lot can be said base value of becoming an MEP. How much power and influence can an MEP attain with regard to a single area of policy?
My intution is that an MEPs can have overwhelming influence on uncontested areas of policy, by becoming well known for their expertise within it. The first MEP that is well read and concerned with AI safety will be able to significantly influence the policies simply by being the person in power most engaged with the topic. As long as adopting your views won’t generate controversy, other MEPs are more than inclined to follow your lead.
It seems to me the expected influence on AI policy disproportionally favours the first MEP to become well known within the parliament for it.
Great post. Definitely an area I’d love to see further explored!
A common next step is running for election yourself, since you have the connections and know the landscape well enough to excel in debates.
I think this is too quick a dismissal. Before any regional modifiers come into play, a lot can be said base value of becoming an MEP. How much power and influence can an MEP attain with regard to a single area of policy?
My intution is that an MEPs can have overwhelming influence on uncontested areas of policy, by becoming well known for their expertise within it. The first MEP that is well read and concerned with AI safety will be able to significantly influence the policies simply by being the person in power most engaged with the topic. As long as adopting your views won’t generate controversy, other MEPs are more than inclined to follow your lead.
It seems to me the expected influence on AI policy disproportionally favours the first MEP to become well known within the parliament for it.
Makes sense―I agree that the base value of becoming an MEP seems really good.