Introducing Scaling Altruism, a course coordination program for EA groups

TLDR: We are organising a coordination program for the EA intro course. If you are a running a group you can join to save time on ops and receive support with promoting your program. For now, we are gathering Expressions of interest from groups and volunteer facilitators.

Express your interest

EA Hungary is teaming up with several other EA groups to start a project called Scaling Altruism. The broader case for such an initiative is made in this post, so here we will just outline what we offer and how you or your group can join.

Our current plan:

  • Approximate timeline: late February/​early March to May

  • Structure: 8 weeks course discussion groups

  • Format: Weekly discussion groups (5-10 people)

  • Curriculum: The EA intro course, also known as the EA Handbook

  • Locations: Mostly online groups (local where possible)

This is not a registration form—we’re gathering feedback to optimise our approach. Please express your interest here, and if you have any questions shoot us an email at info[at]