Thank you for sharing! One thing that could help this feel more readable is to use full words more often in place of acronyms. I was on an EA retreat recently where one person was the designated “acronym police” and would pipe up anytime things got too jargony. Even for people who know the acronyms, challenging ourselves to use them less frequently can make text more easily understood.
Thank you for sharing! One thing that could help this feel more readable is to use full words more often in place of acronyms. I was on an EA retreat recently where one person was the designated “acronym police” and would pipe up anytime things got too jargony. Even for people who know the acronyms, challenging ourselves to use them less frequently can make text more easily understood.
Thanks for the feedback, pete! I’ve just gotten rid of AW. We’ll read it once more to see where we can reduce the use of some of the others, too.