Do you have a sense of a) why the Nigerian government’s ministry of health hasn’t prioritised this previously, b) whether they could eventually co-fund / take over these programs?
There have been some government programmes raising awareness about reproductive health and contraception. They have been limited due to fund limitations. There has been no precedent of the government of Nigeria taking over NGO high-intensity media campaigns as far as we are aware, and we expect to be a good partner for the government even at scale.
Congrats, this is really amazing work!
Do you have a sense of a) why the Nigerian government’s ministry of health hasn’t prioritised this previously, b) whether they could eventually co-fund / take over these programs?
Thanks so much!
There have been some government programmes raising awareness about reproductive health and contraception. They have been limited due to fund limitations. There has been no precedent of the government of Nigeria taking over NGO high-intensity media campaigns as far as we are aware, and we expect to be a good partner for the government even at scale.