I hope we’ll import the tagging system from LessWrong.
I would very much like to see posts labelled with “short-term” vs “long-term” as I think a lot of discussion is wasted on what often ends up being a fundamental disagreement. The discussion is wasted because it doesn’t tackle the fundamental disagreement, and both interlocutors wrongly model the other as also being a short/long termist.
Fundamental disagreement can include:
Highly discounting the future
Disregarding indirect impact
Trusting our intuitions that explicit reasoning that gives weird conclusions are false
There’s not much synergy between the short-termist cluster and long-termist cluster.
Also the labels are not fully self-explanatory. For example, the article “How the Simulation Argument Dampens Future Fanaticism” might superficially seem like it belongs in the short-termist cluster, but doesn’t (I would argue).
I hope we’ll import the tagging system from LessWrong.
I would very much like to see posts labelled with “short-term” vs “long-term” as I think a lot of discussion is wasted on what often ends up being a fundamental disagreement. The discussion is wasted because it doesn’t tackle the fundamental disagreement, and both interlocutors wrongly model the other as also being a short/long termist.
Fundamental disagreement can include:
Highly discounting the future
Disregarding indirect impact
Trusting our intuitions that explicit reasoning that gives weird conclusions are false
There’s not much synergy between the short-termist cluster and long-termist cluster.
Also the labels are not fully self-explanatory. For example, the article “How the Simulation Argument Dampens Future Fanaticism” might superficially seem like it belongs in the short-termist cluster, but doesn’t (I would argue).
Example of mostly wasted discussion: example 1
Note: I expect this idea to get some push-back.