These aren’t entirely about AI, but Brian Tomasik’s Essays on Reducing Suffering and Tobias Baumann’s articles on S-risks are also worth reading. They contain a lot of articles related to futurism and scenarios that could result in astronomical suffering. On the topic of AI alignment, Tomasik wrote this article on the risks of a “near miss” in AI alignment, and how a slightly misaligned AI may create far more suffering than a completely unaligned AI.
These aren’t entirely about AI, but Brian Tomasik’s Essays on Reducing Suffering and Tobias Baumann’s articles on S-risks are also worth reading. They contain a lot of articles related to futurism and scenarios that could result in astronomical suffering. On the topic of AI alignment, Tomasik wrote this article on the risks of a “near miss” in AI alignment, and how a slightly misaligned AI may create far more suffering than a completely unaligned AI.