Even a scrollover requires that the user be actively trying to explore the site on a meta level—and the mobile-based UX has made finding the sitenav bar a nontrivial endeavor! I would at least put it as the ‘before you start typing’ background.
r/ChangeMyView is, by its’ very subject, going to dodge most of the reasons a forum would need to enforce policies like this. The approach also seems quite dependent on moderators.
Hacker News has the best debate policy I’ve ever seen. I do have a soft spot for snark, but I can live without it. Thank you for introducing me to it!
Quora looks so elitist. ‘Correct’ grammar and punctuation? No-explanation ‘hate speech’? Also, most of their content policy is only incorporated by linking it, which is a huge pet peeve of mine. (I’m the sort of person who tries to actually read any contract I agree to, and lying about how long the TOS is feels so disrespectful.)
Even a scrollover requires that the user be actively trying to explore the site on a meta level—and the mobile-based UX has made finding the sitenav bar a nontrivial endeavor! I would at least put it as the ‘before you start typing’ background.
r/ChangeMyView is, by its’ very subject, going to dodge most of the reasons a forum would need to enforce policies like this. The approach also seems quite dependent on moderators.
Hacker News has the best debate policy I’ve ever seen. I do have a soft spot for snark, but I can live without it. Thank you for introducing me to it!
Quora looks so elitist. ‘Correct’ grammar and punctuation? No-explanation ‘hate speech’? Also, most of their content policy is only incorporated by linking it, which is a huge pet peeve of mine. (I’m the sort of person who tries to actually read any contract I agree to, and lying about how long the TOS is feels so disrespectful.)
This was very interesting, thank you!