I don’t have pointers to good info, other than Mr. Money Mustache’s blog, which I think was already mentioned.
I’m following in intuition along the lines of “put on your own oxygen mask before helping those around you with theirs.”
My bet is that my personal impact will be much larger once I’m financially independent. Giving a significant portion of my income now is a drag on reaching financial independence. I’d prefer to accelerate my progress towards financial independence at the expense of doing good today.
We’re touching on the “give now vs. give later” debate here; intuitions may diverge.
I don’t have pointers to good info, other than Mr. Money Mustache’s blog, which I think was already mentioned.
I’m following in intuition along the lines of “put on your own oxygen mask before helping those around you with theirs.”
My bet is that my personal impact will be much larger once I’m financially independent. Giving a significant portion of my income now is a drag on reaching financial independence. I’d prefer to accelerate my progress towards financial independence at the expense of doing good today.
We’re touching on the “give now vs. give later” debate here; intuitions may diverge.