Thanks for posting. I think it’s really valuable to have high quality cause area specific analysis to point interested non-EAs towards and that founder’s pledge has consistently been a great source of exactly this.
I’m a little skeptical about the strength of the claims around the waterbed effect. It seems like governments historically have been much better at setting targets than meeting them, and that individual emissions make targets marginally less likely to be hit. It seems likely that e.g. if in 2040 it becomes clear that there’s no way the UK will meet its 2050 target without huge and extremely costly changes, the government will move the target target than implement them, which would make anything that makes the target harder to hit potentially very harmful.
Thanks for posting. I think it’s really valuable to have high quality cause area specific analysis to point interested non-EAs towards and that founder’s pledge has consistently been a great source of exactly this.
I’m a little skeptical about the strength of the claims around the waterbed effect. It seems like governments historically have been much better at setting targets than meeting them, and that individual emissions make targets marginally less likely to be hit. It seems likely that e.g. if in 2040 it becomes clear that there’s no way the UK will meet its 2050 target without huge and extremely costly changes, the government will move the target target than implement them, which would make anything that makes the target harder to hit potentially very harmful.