I’d say what we’re afraid of is that we’ll have AI systems that are capable of sophisticated planning but that we don’t know how to channel those capabilities into aligned thinking on vague complicated problems. Ought’s work is about avoiding this outcome.
I just want to highlight the key assumption Ajeya’s argument rests on: The system is end-to-end optimized on a feedback signal (generally from human evaluations), i.e. all its compute is optimizing a signal that has now way to separate “fake it while in training” from “have the right intent” and so can lead to catastrophic outcomes when the system is deployed.
How does Ought’s work help avoid that outcome?
We’re breaking down complex reasoning into processes with parts that are not jointly end-to-end optimized. This makes it possible to use smaller models for individual parts, makes the computation more transparent, and makes it easier to verify that the parts are indeed implementing the function that we (or future models) think they’re implementing.
You can think of it as interpretability-by-construction: Instead of training a model end-to-end and then trying to see what circuits it learned and whether they’re implementing the right thing, take smaller models that you know are implementing the right thing and compose them (with AI help) into larger systems that are correct not primarily based on empirical performance but based on a priori reasoning.
This is complementary to traditional bottom-up interpretability work: The more decomposition can limit the amount of black-box compute and uninterpretable intermediate state, the less weight rests on circuits-style interpretability and ELK-style proposals.
We don’t think we’ll be able to fully avoid end-to-end training (it’s ML’s magic juice, after all), but we think that reducing it is helpful even on the margin. From our post on supervising process, which has a lot more detail on the points in this comment: “Inner alignment failures are most likely in cases where models don’t just know a few facts we don’t but can hide extensive knowledge from us, akin to developing new branches of science that we can’t follow. With limited compute and limited neural memory, the risk is lower.”
And my second worry is that the “big AI” (the collection of sub models) will be so good that you could ask it to perform a task and it will be exceedingly effective at it, in some misaligned-to-our-values (misaligned-to-what-we-actually-meant) way
I’d say what we’re afraid of is that we’ll have AI systems that are capable of sophisticated planning but that we don’t know how to channel those capabilities into aligned thinking on vague complicated problems. Ought’s work is about avoiding this outcome.
At this point we could chat about why it’s plausible that we’ll have such capable but unaligned AI systems, or about how Ought’s work is aimed at reducing the risk of such systems. The former isn’t specific to Ought, so I’ll point to Ajeya’s post Without specific countermeasures, the easiest path to transformative AI likely leads to AI takeover.
I just want to highlight the key assumption Ajeya’s argument rests on: The system is end-to-end optimized on a feedback signal (generally from human evaluations), i.e. all its compute is optimizing a signal that has now way to separate “fake it while in training” from “have the right intent” and so can lead to catastrophic outcomes when the system is deployed.
How does Ought’s work help avoid that outcome?
We’re breaking down complex reasoning into processes with parts that are not jointly end-to-end optimized. This makes it possible to use smaller models for individual parts, makes the computation more transparent, and makes it easier to verify that the parts are indeed implementing the function that we (or future models) think they’re implementing.
You can think of it as interpretability-by-construction: Instead of training a model end-to-end and then trying to see what circuits it learned and whether they’re implementing the right thing, take smaller models that you know are implementing the right thing and compose them (with AI help) into larger systems that are correct not primarily based on empirical performance but based on a priori reasoning.
This is complementary to traditional bottom-up interpretability work: The more decomposition can limit the amount of black-box compute and uninterpretable intermediate state, the less weight rests on circuits-style interpretability and ELK-style proposals.
We don’t think we’ll be able to fully avoid end-to-end training (it’s ML’s magic juice, after all), but we think that reducing it is helpful even on the margin. From our post on supervising process, which has a lot more detail on the points in this comment: “Inner alignment failures are most likely in cases where models don’t just know a few facts we don’t but can hide extensive knowledge from us, akin to developing new branches of science that we can’t follow. With limited compute and limited neural memory, the risk is lower.”
I simply agree, no need to convince me there 👍
Ought’s approach:
Instead of giving a training signal after the entire AI gives an output,
Do give a signal after each sub-module gives an output.
My worry: The sub-modules will themselves be misaligned.
Is your suggestion: Limit compute and neural memory of sub-models in order to lower the risk
And my second worry is that the “big AI” (the collection of sub models) will be so good that you could ask it to perform a task and it will be exceedingly effective at it, in some misaligned-to-our-values (misaligned-to-what-we-actually-meant) way