AI Governance High Energy Reading Group

Join us for a high-energy reading group on the governance and regulation of AI Systems. We’ll be working through the AI Governance Curriculum published by AGI Safety Fundamentals.

In person or online at https://​​​​j/​​83321400526?pwd%3DL29ZQ1hmcWxDeFE5SDRETUYrc04rQT09&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw1KQr7aMwbRoYl8eKK1qXeN

Go here for the Week Two AI Governance curriculum.

The curriculum is:

  • Beginner-friendly: Does not assume significant prior knowledge

  • Foundational: Aims to give a broad, high-quality overview of the basics

  • Busy-schedule-compatible: Prioritizes relatively short readings

In addition, everyone who attends will be offered the chance to take on a role in the group, as a presenter, a summarizer, a diagrammer, a discussion generator, a connector, a silent participant or similar.

Our Week 2 agenda will be up shortly.

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