Some counterarguments are sufficiently strong that they are decisive. These are good examples.
I have read quite a lot of philosophy. Less than academics—I’m currently an undergrad—but my major is philosophy and it’s my primary interest, such that I spend lots of time reading and writing about it.
How long have you been studying philosophy? My views sometimes changed quite radically in grad school: I used to think problem of evil was “decisive”, but now I think multiverse theodicies might work. I used to think Moore’s proof of the existence of the external world was question-begging garbage as an undergrad, but then I read Scott Soames’ account of its historical significance in grad school one day, and decided, no, actually Moore was totally right, and it’s a deep insight. I used to buy Chalmers’ 2-d zombie argument against [lol I originally idiotically wrote for here] materialism, and then one day at a conference in either my 2nd year of masters or 1st year of PhD, I decided that no, actually, I am now a physicalist. When I was an undergrad, I had idealist sympathies at one point, but now I think idealism is the dumbest view ever.
Some counterarguments are sufficiently strong that they are decisive. These are good examples.
I have read quite a lot of philosophy. Less than academics—I’m currently an undergrad—but my major is philosophy and it’s my primary interest, such that I spend lots of time reading and writing about it.
How long have you been studying philosophy? My views sometimes changed quite radically in grad school: I used to think problem of evil was “decisive”, but now I think multiverse theodicies might work. I used to think Moore’s proof of the existence of the external world was question-begging garbage as an undergrad, but then I read Scott Soames’ account of its historical significance in grad school one day, and decided, no, actually Moore was totally right, and it’s a deep insight. I used to buy Chalmers’ 2-d zombie argument against [lol I originally idiotically wrote for here] materialism, and then one day at a conference in either my 2nd year of masters or 1st year of PhD, I decided that no, actually, I am now a physicalist. When I was an undergrad, I had idealist sympathies at one point, but now I think idealism is the dumbest view ever.