I personally commented with an object-level objection; plenty of others have done the same.
I mostly take issue with the factual claims in the post, which I think is riddled with errors and misunderstandings (many of which have been pointed out), but the language is also unnecessarily emotionally charged and inflammatory in many places. A quick sampling:
But as I grew older and learned more, I realized it was all bullshit.
it becomes clear that his view is a house of cards, built entirely on falsehoods and misrepresentations.
And I spend much more time listening to Yukowsky’s followers spout nonsense than most other people.
(phrased in a maximally Eliezer like way): … (condescending chuckle)
I am frankly pretty surprised to see this so highly-upvoted on the EAF; the tone is rude and condescending, more so than anything I can recall Eliezer writing, and much more so than the usual highly-upvoted posts here.
The OP seems more interested in arguing about whatever “mainstream academics” believe than responding to (or even understanding) object-level objections. But even on that topic, they make a bunch of misstatements and overclaims. From a comment:
But the views I defend here are utterly mainstream. Virtually no people in academia think either FDT, Eliezer’s anti-zombie argument, or animal nonconsciousness are correct.
(Plenty of people who disagree with the author and agree or partially agree with Eliezer about the object-level topics are in academia. Some of them even post on LessWrong and the EAF!)
I personally commented with an object-level objection; plenty of others have done the same.
I mostly take issue with the factual claims in the post, which I think is riddled with errors and misunderstandings (many of which have been pointed out), but the language is also unnecessarily emotionally charged and inflammatory in many places. A quick sampling:
I am frankly pretty surprised to see this so highly-upvoted on the EAF; the tone is rude and condescending, more so than anything I can recall Eliezer writing, and much more so than the usual highly-upvoted posts here.
The OP seems more interested in arguing about whatever “mainstream academics” believe than responding to (or even understanding) object-level objections. But even on that topic, they make a bunch of misstatements and overclaims. From a comment:
(Plenty of people who disagree with the author and agree or partially agree with Eliezer about the object-level topics are in academia. Some of them even post on LessWrong and the EAF!)