I have moderate to high confidence that it is too diversified to be a viable big funding target, compared to the alternative of standing up our own org devoted to effective climate litigation. I surmise that the amount of its resources EJ wants to spend on (e.g.) anti-carbon litigation would be fairly insensitive to our org’s existence, because it wants to be seen as active in that area. Thus, I think there would be significantly less internal funging than for bringing EJ on as a grantee.
I have moderate to high confidence that it is too diversified to be a viable big funding target, compared to the alternative of standing up our own org devoted to effective climate litigation. I surmise that the amount of its resources EJ wants to spend on (e.g.) anti-carbon litigation would be fairly insensitive to our org’s existence, because it wants to be seen as active in that area. Thus, I think there would be significantly less internal funging than for bringing EJ on as a grantee.