Wow, very impressive! I badly underestimated how much matching funds would be directed to EA-aligned nonprofits. And since the matching funds has been increased to $350k, this number is likely to go up significantly.
I count $210k in donations towards nonprofits that are at least marginally EA-aligned, out of $252k currently (83%):
But that may be an underestimate, because the page only lists the top 100 nonprofits. So there could be more EA-aligned nonprofits that are each receiving ⇐ $210 in matching funds and are not listed. If we consider just the top 100, then that’s $210k out of $238k (88%).
Based on their dashboard, EA charities got ~$200,000 of the first $250,000 in matching funds.
Wow, very impressive! I badly underestimated how much matching funds would be directed to EA-aligned nonprofits. And since the matching funds has been increased to $350k, this number is likely to go up significantly.
I count $210k in donations towards nonprofits that are at least marginally EA-aligned, out of $252k currently (83%):
But that may be an underestimate, because the page only lists the top 100 nonprofits. So there could be more EA-aligned nonprofits that are each receiving ⇐ $210 in matching funds and are not listed. If we consider just the top 100, then that’s $210k out of $238k (88%).
Thanks! I confirmed that ~$200k is accurate and added this update to the top of the post:
I think the following should probably be considered EA-aligned nonprofits (at least marginally) as well, which would imply somewhat higher impact:
Our World in Data:
Crate Free Illinois:
Living Goods:
International Refugee Assistance Project: IRAP:
Population Services International:
Seva Foundation:
Pratham USA:
Thanks! My boxes-checking was very quick and I missed those. Updated my $247k update: