They have the same type of bonds, and the exact same structure. Diamond is harder because not every type covalent bond is equally strong (as you already noted when discussing bone).
Diamond is (close to) the hardest material in the world, because C-C bonds are quite strong, and each carbon atom has four of them. Diamond has C-C bonds densely packed in every direction.
I don’t know as much about keratin specifically. This source says some keratin-associated proteins have as much as 41% of their structure consisting of cystine (the amino acid with sulfur attached), so presumably it is also densely packed with Di-Sulfide covalent bonds.
It also says:
Disulfides are also a dominant structural and stabilizing element within larger proteins made up of tandem repeats of smaller, internally cross-linked units. Low density lipoprotein receptor-like repeats and epidermal growth factor-like (EGF-like) repeats are two examples of disulfide-rich modules that are linked in tandem to generate long, rod-shaped structures acting as cell-surface receptors or key components of the extracellular matrix (ECM)
So there you go, a clearcut case of protein being held together with covalent bonds. I mean, I still think “the primary structure is 100% covalently bonded” is sufficient to say this, but whatever.
Why is this not stronger than diamond? Well, i would guess that while the dominant bonds are covalent, they are weaker covalent bonds than C-C bonds, and there are not as many of them per atom as in diamond.
Also, we’ve been talking a lot about hardness here, but it’s not the only measure of “strength” you can use. If I cherry-picked fracture toughness, I could say that diamond is weaker than wood, because the fracture toughness of wood is higher than diamond. Check out this video of a diamond being shattered with a regular hammer! Being able to deform and then rebound back into place offers advantages in many situations, and it’s why wood and metal doesn’t similarly shatter.
To be clear, I obviously still think diamond is stronger than wood along most other measures, such as melting temp, hardness, etc. But there is not zero cost to the rigidity and stiffness of diamond.
This is a relatively minor (but interesting!) point though, please do not only respond to the last two paragraphs.
Why is crystalline silicon weaker than diamond?
They have the same type of bonds, and the exact same structure. Diamond is harder because not every type covalent bond is equally strong (as you already noted when discussing bone).
Diamond is (close to) the hardest material in the world, because C-C bonds are quite strong, and each carbon atom has four of them. Diamond has C-C bonds densely packed in every direction.
I don’t know as much about keratin specifically. This source says some keratin-associated proteins have as much as 41% of their structure consisting of cystine (the amino acid with sulfur attached), so presumably it is also densely packed with Di-Sulfide covalent bonds.
It also says:
So there you go, a clearcut case of protein being held together with covalent bonds. I mean, I still think “the primary structure is 100% covalently bonded” is sufficient to say this, but whatever.
Why is this not stronger than diamond? Well, i would guess that while the dominant bonds are covalent, they are weaker covalent bonds than C-C bonds, and there are not as many of them per atom as in diamond.
Also, we’ve been talking a lot about hardness here, but it’s not the only measure of “strength” you can use. If I cherry-picked fracture toughness, I could say that diamond is weaker than wood, because the fracture toughness of wood is higher than diamond. Check out this video of a diamond being shattered with a regular hammer! Being able to deform and then rebound back into place offers advantages in many situations, and it’s why wood and metal doesn’t similarly shatter.
To be clear, I obviously still think diamond is stronger than wood along most other measures, such as melting temp, hardness, etc. But there is not zero cost to the rigidity and stiffness of diamond.
This is a relatively minor (but interesting!) point though, please do not only respond to the last two paragraphs.