[Caveat that I don’t know anything else about this]
I recall Rob Wiblin’s 80K article on voting referencing this summary table from the 2015 edition of Get Out The Vote claiming “$30-100 or a few hours of work as a volunteer” to “persuade one stranger to vote for your preferred candidate”, a lot lower than the OP’s claimed figures, and that even adjusting upwards for various factors doesn’t worsen this by more than an OOM.
(That said, I regard these figures basically the same way GW treats the best cost-effectiveness estimates in the DCP2/3)
[Caveat that I don’t know anything else about this]
I recall Rob Wiblin’s 80K article on voting referencing this summary table from the 2015 edition of Get Out The Vote claiming “$30-100 or a few hours of work as a volunteer” to “persuade one stranger to vote for your preferred candidate”, a lot lower than the OP’s claimed figures, and that even adjusting upwards for various factors doesn’t worsen this by more than an OOM.
(That said, I regard these figures basically the same way GW treats the best cost-effectiveness estimates in the DCP2/3)